It's Saturday evening and I'm getting tired so this probably won't be very long. As most of you know, I spent most of the week at MD Anderson in Houston. I met with doctors, social workers, financial assistant people and even a dentist. I really liked almost everyone I met with. The exception was the dentist. It wasn't a love connection. I had another MRI, that they scheduled for 9:00 at night, which means it's really going to be 10:00 before you see anyone. That was pretty much the way all the appointments ran. But that's ok. I had no where else to go! :-)
On Thursday afternoon, my team of doctors met (the surgeon who is like my primary doctor, the medical oncologist, and the radiology oncologist) and discussed my case and what was going to be the best course of treatment. The PA for my surgeon called me late Friday afternoon with the results of the meeting.
They want to start out with what is called Induction Chemotherapy. It will be 3 treatments of chemo, spaced 21 days apart. The first one is scheduled for this coming Thursday. After the third chemo treatment, they will do another scan to see how much the cancer in my nasopharnyx and lymph glands have shrunk. Based on those findings, they'll either do radiation or radiation with chemo. I suppose if the lymph glands haven't shrunk they could do surgery to remove them, but that's never really been discussed. From what I've been told, the chemo usually works on the glands and kills the cancer in them. I asked her "what if they found no cancer anywhere after the chemo (because I'm thinking God is going to make an appearance in a big way!)...would they still do radiation?" She said she didn't know. So, I'M praying that all the cancer is killed with the chemo! I'm sure they'll still do some radiation, but I'm also praying that it won't be near as much or have near the side effects.
The chemo has side effects that could include nausea, low white and red blood cell counts, neuropathy, hearing loss, and kidney disease. I have to drink a LOT of liquids with this chemo so as not to damage my kidneys. If there is hearing loss, it will be permanent. But he said that it would probably not be a big hearing loss...mainly I won't hear high pitched sounds. Again, I'm trusting God to protect my hearing and for this chemo not to effect me that way. I'm hoping that because I'm only having 3 rounds of chemo, the side effects won't be as bad as if I were having more. Usually the side effects are what they call cumulative.
The radiologist had even less great news. They will not be doing the proton radiation like I wanted. The resident actually explained why to me better than the doctor did, but it's too long to go into in writing. Plus I need to use my hands to explain lol. Anyway, she said that my hearing would be damaged from that and it would not come back later on. She said my salivary glands, sense of taste and sense of smell would be effected, but they should come back to some degree later on (maybe even a couple of years). She said that my vocal chords might also sustain some damage but she felt like they would come back eventually too.
So, it appears that I am in for the ride of my life! None of it sounds great except that I'll be alive and cured at the end of all of it. But, I have a really big God and God trumps cancer every time! So please pray that this will all be cured with the chemo, and if they do have to do radiation, it won't be as much or as long and won't do the damage they are saying it could do. I know the Lord can do anything and fix anything, so this is my prayer. Please join me.
I will be taking my chemo in Houston, so I will leave Wednesday, have the chemo Thursday, then stay overnight Thursday night (in a motel not the hospital) to make sure I don't have any adverse reactions. My friend Vivian in going with me this time (bless her heart!) so I won't be alone. They won't give it to me if I'm alone. I have a that lives in Houston who went with me my first day (and took me to dinner one night) and she was a huge help, so I do have some support in Houston, including a couple of friends that live there.
This email probably doesn't sound too upbeat, but as I said, I'm tired and it's getting close to bedtime. I am actually putting all my faith in God and just praying that He fixes everything. I heard some amazing stories from people while I was at MDA and I can tell you without a doubt, God is alive and working!
Please pray for me that I get through this ordeal with everything still in good working order and that, of course, God gets the Glory. I know there's a reason for all of this, I just don't know what it is. And thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and good wishes so far. I have never been more acutely aware of what a wonderful life I have, and what a great group of friends and family I have, than when I was at MDA. I don't ever remember being happier to come home to my life than I was yesterday. You are all very VERY loved!
P.S. Ok I lied, it was not short. Seriously. Do you really think I could write a short email??? Hahahahaha! Nite nite!
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